About SGP

The Stargate Portal project (the original portal for phpBB3), was started a couple of days after the public were given access phpBB3 SVN. I originally called the portal the Kiss Portal, but renamed about a year into development as the guys were not gone on the name (I liked it and I still do;)). Originally written to replace the excellent IM Portal by Master David, the main aim being to facilitate upgrading of IntegraMOD II to the next generation (this is well in hand).

In the beginning, there were many who questioned the logic of developing a portal for what was a pre-beta product... nevertheless, I was not put off as for me it was a learning experience and I needed to learn... Over time the code has changed primarily to keep pace with phpBB3 update but even so, quite a bit of the original code is still present...

The portal is fully configurable in the ACP, I have also includes many of the more useful blocks as well as one or two nice mods... For a full list of features see the features...