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n00b questions

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UNREAD_POSTAuthor: Gast » 14.10.2003, 15:29

Hi there

I'm new to dark emule clients and I have a few questions which I hope to be answered here.

-What are the best eMule clients (with the best download speeds) ? I have a 768/128 kbit ADSL connection. Which are easy to setup (in English)?
-Does it have advantages to take the name of somebody else (a good shared) and use tags in your name like [NL], [DE] etc... ?


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UNREAD_POSTAuthor: WiZaRd » 14.10.2003, 16:56

Unfortunately, there is no "ultimate" eMule client because each client works different on different systems. I suggest to try out the clients found on this page and some of the "offical" clients like LSD or Sivka to find the best one for your system - btw. nearly every client has an option to change its language.
If you take parts of other nicks into your one MIGHT speed up your download IF some users are using it in their community-system. As far as I know the most parts are only adverts for homepages or mods and are NOT a sign of a community and are therefor NOT helpful but cause excessive traffic on the servers and slow down the whole eMule/eDonkey network.

Sorry for my bad english - I'm not a native speaker :D

... 9 von 10 Stimmen im meinem Kopf sagen ich bin nicht verrückt... - die 10te summt die Melodie von TETRIS
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Beiträge: 7735
Registriert: 17.07.2003, 00:14

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: Gast » 14.10.2003, 20:25

Original geschrieben von WiZaRd
Sorry for my bad english - I'm not a native speaker :D

sorry for "off topic".
ist doch super, weiss gar nicht was du hast |sub| :D

WiZaRd for President |sub|


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