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UNREAD_POSTAuthor: DarkLord » 11.07.2004, 23:18

Dann sage ich mal Bild und selbstbedienung ist angesagt Bild :-)

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 11985
Registriert: 23.09.2003, 18:06

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: brain76 » 12.07.2004, 00:45

[H2][gray]Jaja, sorry sorry...
...mea maxima culpa...
...Asche auf mein Haupt...[/H2][/gray] :D 8-)
Mein Gott, hatte noch nie was vom Test-Forum gelesen und wusste demnach nix davon das es daf?r keine Punkte gibt |sorry2| |sorry2|

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 1029
Registriert: 25.05.2004, 10:25

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: Pozilei » 12.07.2004, 00:52

Original geschrieben von Brain76

...Asche auf mein Haupt...[/H2][/gray] :D 8-)

Aber mit?nem Eimer :D

So?n Spamthread oder was? ich hasse Spammer.

Ich wohne hier
Status: Offline
Beiträge: 4499
Registriert: 06.04.2004, 13:54

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: Arnold » 12.07.2004, 00:58

spammen dann alle zusammen:-)

aber die nachbarin ist|sub| schreibst du mir skuna die adresse(**)
[align=center]es ist nicht leicht ein Mensch zu sein[/align]

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 3026
Registriert: 07.05.2004, 00:22

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: DarkLord » 12.07.2004, 01:22

Nee,das kann ich nicht machen.Aber ich zeige dir mal meine Putzfrau :D


Status: Offline
Beiträge: 11985
Registriert: 23.09.2003, 18:06

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: Arnold » 12.07.2004, 01:29

ahhh, die nachbarin hast du spitzenm?ssig und die putzfrau nur zum putzen:-)
[align=center]es ist nicht leicht ein Mensch zu sein[/align]

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 3026
Registriert: 07.05.2004, 00:22

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: Alambro » 12.07.2004, 01:46

Der skuna !!

Die Nachbarin,h?bsch an zusehen,
da will er wohl mal r?ber gehen,
die Putzfrau l?sst er Spitze tragen,
das kl?rt dann doch wohl alle fragen.|sub|

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 1114
Registriert: 13.04.2004, 15:37
Wohnort: NRW

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: DarkmanX88 » 21.07.2004, 21:40

03/03/2004 - mIRC v6.14

1.Fixed /links -n not minimizing window.
2.Fixed tooltip gpf bug.
3.DCC send/get results are now always displayed in the status
4.Non-custom @windows are now displayed in their saved positions
on multi-monitor setups.
5.Fixed /write -lN running out of temporary filenames error bug,
also affected a few other file related commands.
6.Fixed dcc received files menu when dcc folders changed in options
7.Fixed move server to top on connect option not working in some
8.Fixed script editor not saving current editbox contents when
current/another file is loaded/unloaded.
9.Added match method option in log view dialog.
10.Increased zeropad max value in $base() to 100.
11.Fixed $matchkey in on open event.
12.Improvied $addtok() $deltok() handling of $null.
13.Fixed handling of ini files when system file attribute set.
14.Fixed $+() handling of $null.
15.Fixed fill switchbar display bug with vertical switchbar.
16.Fixed dcc send/get time out display bug.
17.Fixed gpf bug caused by /close in an on CHAT event.
18.Fixed send buffer overflow gpf when sending many commands to a
server in a script all at once.
19.Fixed daylight savings time offset bug.
20.Moved port range to connect/advanced dialog, now applies to all
21.Fixed editbox gpf bug when tab completion results in long text.
22.Tooltips now correctly use system tooltip font.
23.Fixed bug in /ignore and isignore when using/checking for applied
24.Added /cnick -sN switch, sorts item into Nth position.
25.Fixed custom dialog icons display bug.
26.DCC ports range is no longer limited to 1024 and above.
27.Fixed nicknames being added to tab key list even if incoming
message was ignored.
28.Fixed ctcp resume message not including original filename.
29.Fixed address book whois display bug.
30.Fixed /fopen not being able to open read-only files.
31.Fixed get active url feature in url editor dialog.
32.Fixed /qmsg and /qme display bug.
33.The $read() and $readini() identifiers no longer parse command
separators by default. Added 'p' switch to enable this.
34.Fixed shift+control+v combination resulting in double-paste.
35.Fixed /ignore -w not removing network from an existing ignore
36.Fixed auto-get "if file exists" settings being applied even if
auto-get wasn't enabled.
37.Fixed $send().resume returning incorrect value.
38.Fixed fileserver filename handling bug.
39.MDI window no longer displays horizontal/vertical scrollbars.
40.Switchbar now allows up to eight lines in height.
41.Fixed multi-threading gpf and memory loss issues.
42.Added reload logs feature to logs dialog, works with channel and
chat windows. Loads up to the maximum window buffer value
specified in the options/other dialog.
43.Updated libraries to zlib 1.2.1.
44.Added support for openssl. The libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll
openssl 0.9.7c dlls must be downloaded separately from mIRC and
placed in the mIRC folder. mIRC will load the dlls automatically
if it finds them. $sslready can be used to determine whether mIRC
has loaded the dlls successfully.

To initiate a secure connection to an SSL capable server, you can
use the /server -e switch, or prefix the port number with a plus
sign, eg. +7001. $ssl can be used to determine whether a
connection is secure or not.

SSL settings can be found in the Connect/Options dialog, and are
visible only when openssl dlls are loaded.

46.Fixed $submenu() bug when returning $null for the begin menu item.
47.Fixed script parser bug when handling ; and rem comment prefixes
in some situations.
48.Fixed $highlight(text) case-sensitivity bug, and added a .cs
49./echo can now target an open dcc chat window even if the dcc chat
session has ended.
50.Fixed /filter gpf bug when /filter was being called a second time
in the filter sort alias.
51.Fixed /unset not properly clearing a variable that was set with
/inc -c.
52.Fixed bug with paste confirmation dialog, text was being pasted
as a command even if the control key had been pressed.
53.Fixed server edit dialog allowing multiple entries with the same
54.Lines in listboxes are now the same height as those in the text
display area in windows, allowing them to be aligned.
55.Fixed $com() dispatch pointers bug. You can now make mIRC create
a new $com() object by specifying a dispatch* item as the last
parameter in a $com() call, without a value.
56.Added lock option to disable /com features.
57.Fixed agent bug in ignore line if percentage of the line was
non-text, if enabled it resulted in most lines not being spoken.
58.Added backup file on save option to editor.
59./.hop now hides display of hop message.
60.The /echo -sa swiches can now be used at the same time.
61.The /echo -bfh switches now affect custom @windows.
62.The recent servers list is now stored in [recent] in servers.ini
and remembers servers that aren't in the servers list.
63.Fixed multi-server bug which may have caused a gpf/freeze in some
64.The switchbar now displays scroll buttons when it is vertical and
unable to fully show all windows. The mouse wheel can be used to
scroll through the window list.
65.Fixed line marker bug, failed to behave correctly after a /clear.
66.Fixed Alt-Switchbar button bug when windows for a Status window
were hidden, closing the status window was not re-displaying
hidden @windows.
67.Fixed /msg chopping channel name at 60 characters.
68.Added /filter -z switch, remembers line color when copying from
one @window to another.
69.Added $line().color property, returns line color.
70.Fixed fileserver dcc get bug.
71.Added dialog option to enable/disable the nick colors list.
72.Fixed $fline() regex case bug.
73.Fixed $cnick() bug resulting in non-match when modes were used.
74.Fixed on sockclose event triggering twice in some situations.
75.Added /server -jn switch where 'n' minimizes joined channels.
76.Fixed mark/copy right-click over editbox bug.
77.Fixed /scid -a gpf bug when used with /window -c.
78.Added Sort dialog to Window Menu, allows you to specify the sort
order of Switchbar buttons and Windows.
79.Fixed tabkey channel completion with non-# channels.
80.Fixed /fseek regex gpf bug on long lines of text.
81.Fixed right-click titlebar roll/unroll bug.
82.Changed switchbar "sort buttons" behaviour. Buttons are now always
sorted into groups. However if the sort option is turned off, they
are sorted according to creation time within groups as opposed to
alphabetical sorting.
83.Fixed various multi-byte display/mark/copy bugs and improved
sjis-jis support.
84.Fixed $line() not working with channels list window.
85.Added "None" sort method to channels list popup menu, displays
channels in the order sent by the server.
86.Script errors can now be caught by adding an :error goto point to
your script. When an error occurs, the script will jump to :error
and continue running.

$error returns the error message. You can reset the error with
/reseterror. If you don't reset the error, it will propagate
backwards to any calling aliases until an :error is found and
will halt the script.

87.Improved text scrolling in windows to avoid jumps after lines
88.Fixed while loop /continue bug in nested while loops.
89.Query/Chat windows now remember their individual font settings,
also added "use default" option to font dialog.
90.Fixed bug in random server port selection while connecting.
91.Added /loadbuf -nm switches, where -n logs the loaded text to
the log file (if logging is enabled for that window). The -m
switch indicates that the loaded text is already time-stamped.
92.The find dialog in the script editor now automatically uses the
word at the cursor.
93.Added right-click popup menu for URL List toolbar button.

13/10/2003 - mIRC v6.12

1.Fixed dcc related gpf bug.
2.Fixed /dline gpf bug.
3.Fixed /rename not being able to rename dirs.
4.Fixed log files network/folder name bug.
5.Fixed about dialog not closing issue.
6.Fixed /hdec bug.
7.Fixed /color not remembering palette changes.
8.Fixed /mkdir failing if dir already exists.
9.Fixed custom dialogs border display bug.
10.Fixed /fwrite display bug.
11.Fixed /debug recursive gpf bug.

10/10/2003 - mIRC v6.11

1.Fixed channel folders join bug, wasn't setting focus on a channel
window properly.
2.Fixed raw on/off not setting/unsetting red dot in remote toolbar
3.Fixed /fwrite text display bug.
4.Fixed $duration(N,3) bug with large values.
5.Fixed $base() bug when converting decimal places from one base to
another by limiting the maximum precision allowed.
6.Fixed /hdec bug.
7.Fixed /mkdir bug.
8.Fixed $os, now returns 2003 instead of .NET.
9.Added language selection option to agents speech dialog. Must have
the required agent language compenent installed.
10.Fixed /qmsg /qme display bug if not on a channel.
11.Undid change relating to firewall exclude list, in some cases mIRC
has to depend on the socks5 server to resolve the address.
12.Fixed switchbar option via View menu not showing/hiding minimized
window icons.
13.Fixed servers popup menu gpf bug.
14.Undid $submenu() change.
15.Fixed $comcall() $dllcall() gpfing with insufficient parameters.
16.Fixed favorites recent menu bug displaying channel keys.
17.Fixed Control+KN color bug when N was larger than 15.
18.Fixed favorites folder display of folder icons.
19.Favorites folder now allows multiple selection.
20.Fixed switchbar display bug when displaying the dcc send/get
progress bar.
21.Fixed multi-byte mark/copy display bug.
22.Fixed gpf when attempting to load a corrupted png file.
23.Fixed bug with binary variables being unset too early in some
24.Fixed identifier warning feature triggering on remote identifiers
outside of remote events.
25.Fixed /color changes not being saved correctly.
26.Changed control/ignore dialog, now displays unignore seconds
instead of minutes.
27.Fixed status window titlebar not showing "logging on" message
when first connecting to a server.
28.Fixed /server not using the specified port.
29.mIRC no longer performs a soft disconnect.
30.Fixed right-click channel/query popup menus sometimes using
incorrect nickname.
31.Fixed keys not working in popup menu items that don't use the
& prefix.
32.Empty lines in popup menu scripts are no longer removed.
33.Fixed custom dialog tab control display bug.
34.Fixed Right-Alt key bug. Still works correctly as AltGr on
keyboard layouts that use AltGr.
35.Added $sorttok(text,a) switch which sorts both text and numbers
in a list. $sorttok(text,n) now behaves as it did in previous
36.Changed /away handling, and fixed $awaytime.
37.Changed various API file-handling calls to c-runtime counterparts
due to API calls resulting in some strange behaviours (most likely
due to buffering) when used intensively.
38.Fixed duplicate separators bug in popup menus.
39.Fixed $highlight().color returning incorrect color index. If no
color is selected, returns index for Normal text color.
40.Changed /fopen behaviour, now fails if file doesn't exist. The
-n switch creates a new file, fails if it exists. And -o creates
a new file, overwrites if it exists.
41.$fopen() now returns $null if you reference a name that does
not exist.
42.Fixed $md5() bug with plain text containing % characters.
43.Nick color list now uses the ignore/protect/etc. lists even if
ignore/protect/etc. in the control dialog are not enabled.
44.Address book whois section no longer strips control codes.
45.Control+M in the Script Editor now displays the More dialog. The
Editbox in the More dialog now performs auto-completion.
46.Fixed "move server to top on connect" option not always moving
the last connect server to top.
47.Improved dual monitor handling for @windows and custom dialogs.
The script editor is still displayed in its last saved position.
48.Fixed $mask() gpf bug with long parameters.
49.Fixed /timerN without parameters listing all timers.
50.Added /echo -c color name switch, eg. /echo -c action text. The
line color uses the selected theme in the colors dialog.
51.Fixed $* gpf bug.
52.Added auto-hide nick list option in channel nick list dialog.
53.During a dcc resume, the last 8192 bytes are chopped off only once
the transfer actually begins.
54.Fixed /hload and /hsave with binary files when some items in table
are empty.
55.Fixed windows not being auto-tiled when switchbar is moved.
56.$online now returns value based on settings in timer dialog.
57.Fixed dde gpf bug.
58.Fixed /filter numeric sorting bug.
59.Added /showmirc -m switch, minimizes according to tray options.
60.Fixed $fline() bug with wrapped lines.
61.Fixed numeric 472 not being displayed or processed by scripts.
62.Added support for server password in irc://password@server links.
63.Fixed menu handling bug that affected the favorites popup menu as
well as various other menus under 95/NT.
64.Fixed /fseek -wr bug when the last line in a file did not end
in a CRLF.

29/08/2003 - mIRC v6.1

1.Fixed editboxes in options/custom dialogs using double-border when
themes are enabled.
2.Fixed default browser issue.
3.Fixed $serverip bug.
4.The $awaytime value is now available in scripts that handle numeric
5.Fixed $isid when used as first parameter in $iif().
6.Fixed $nick().idle time being incorrectly reset in certain
situations, eg. /mode changes on a nickname.
7.Fixed listbox size in firewall dialog.
8.Fixed $sorttok() not handling negative numbers.
9.Fixed custom window visual style display bug.
10.Fixed $input() bug when multiple $input() dialogs were opened at
the same time.
11.Fixed /set /inc /dec -cz bug which caused -cz to stop in some
12.Fixed $script() and $alias() bug when handling LFNs.
13.Fixed /amsg and /ame trying to send to non-joined channels.
14.Double-clicking on web/ftp hotlink now displays a warning dialog
before the site is opened.
15.Fixed /color bug.
16.Fixed Control + mark/copy not working in custom windows.
17.Fixed /background bug, wasn't applying settings in some
18.$os now returns NET for .NET systems.
19.Fixed Editor dialog bug, was not reading text in the editbox
correctly in some situations.
20.All Socks5 firewall error messages are now displayed correctly.
21.Added /play [-a] [alias] [channel/nick/stop] <filename> [delay]
makes /play use specified alias instead of /msg or /notice.
22.Files opened for logging, sends/gets, etc. are no longer limited
to a maximum total of 50 or so open files.
23./dcc commands, such as /dcc send, ignore, etc. are now also
handled in the form /dccsend, /dccignore, etc.
24.Added 'r' switch regex match method to $read() and /write.
25.Added /clipboard -n switch, appends $crlf to text.
26.Added /dcc nick -sgcf <oldnick> <newnick>, allows you to change
the nickname associated with a dcc send/get/chat/fserve.
27.Added $file().shortfn/longfn properties.
28.Nicknames in channel part/quit messages now show mode prefix.
29.Added multsel value for custom dialog listbox controls.
30.Uninstaller will now work even if you have other copies of mIRC
31.Now using Visual C++ .NET 7.0 to compile mIRC.
32.Fixed memory bug relating to registry handling.
33.The /did -cf switches now scroll the cursor into view when used
on an editbox.
34./window now handles negative font sizes correctly.
35./window -o now displays a desktop window in a non-active state.
36.Fixed /drawtext default colors and font/size bugs.
37.Fixed tab completion wildcard handling bug for identifiers and
38.Added support for .jpeg extension.
39.Fixed /play -e display bug.
40.$duration() can now handle h:m:s format and if N = 3 it outputs
in h:m:s format.
41.Fixed /hop bug when part message specified.
42.Extended $crc(text|&binvar|filename,[N]) where N = 0 for plain
text, 1 for &binvar, 2 for filename (default).
43.Extended $disk(path|N) where N = 0 for total available drives,
and N > 0 to access each drive. $disk().path returns drive path.
44.Pressing enter key in a dcc get dialog while focus is in editbox
now accepts the dcc.
45.Added identifier warning option to editor dialog options menu,
halts script if identifier doesn't exist.
46.Fixed /aop bug.
47.Fixed /whois related memory bug.
48.The "no such nick" message is now shown only in the query window
if one is open.
49.Added /qmsg and /qme, send message/action to all open query
50.If "hide desktop windows when minimized" is enabled, can now hold
down shift key when minimizing to prevent hiding.
51.Channels list files are now saved to their own channels folder.
52.Fixed $bvar().long/word bug when used with a binary variable
containing insufficient bytes.
53.Changed DCC section in Options dialog, moved Ignore to own
section, and Folders section now uses a listview control.
54.Changed default visual styles.
55.Notify list dialog now uses listview, and added notify offline
56.Added $ceil(N) and $floor(N), round to next highest or next
lowest integer.
57.Fixed $asin(), $acos(), and $atan() bugs.
58.Fixed /playctrl gpf bug.
59.Fixed /ignore -wuN combination causing unignore to fail.
60.Fixed "use default" not working in background menu item for
channel windows.
61.Added $msfile(dir,title,oktext) identifier, same as $sfile() but
allows selection of multiple files. Returns N, number of selected
files. $msfile(N) returns each file. If a user selects too many
files, $msfile() returns -1.
62.Updated libraries to PNG 1.2.5, zlib 1.1.4, and PCRE v4.3.
63.Fixed $base() bug.
64.Fixed $group() bug.
65.Fixed editor dialog not re-aligning and spacing out text when a
file is changed and saved.
66.Fixed $chan().limit and other related bugs.
67.Fixed list channels dialog gpf bug.
68.Added custom file-handling commands and identifiers, which allow
you to open multiple files for reading and writing.

/fopen [-n] <name> <filename>
If file open fails, script continues to run. See $ferr
and $feof below.

/fclose <name | wildcard>
Closes specified files.

/flist [name | wildcard]
Lists open files

/fseek <name> <position>
-l <name> <line number>
-n <name> <next line>
-w <name> <wildcard>
-r <name> <regex>

Sets read/write pointer to specified position in file.

/fwrite [-bn] <name> <text | &binvar>
-b indicates that a &binvar is being specified
-n appends a cr/lf to the line

$fopen(name | N) .fname .pos .eof .err
.eof and .err must be checked after each file access
command or identifier, since file access errors will
not halt a script.

$fread(name | N)
Returns next cr/lf delimited line.

$fread(name | N, M, &binvar)
Returns number of bytes read into binary variable, where
M is the number of bytes to read.

$fgetc(name | N)
Returns character value

$feof and $ferr
May be used to refer to the result of the last file
access attempt in any script, where $feof = end of file
was reached, and $ferr = error accessing file.

69.Added file type ignore warning, which pops up when a file type is
ignored, and explains why, with a direct link to the options
dialog, dcc ignore section.
70.Extended /drawpic, can now draw icons from ico/exe/dll files.
71.Fixed $findfile() not halting on control+break key in some cases.
72.Added $rawmsg, returns raw server line for server events.
73.Fixed background picture fill/stretch/etc. display bug in windows.
74.Extended $send()/$get() .status propery to also return "sent",
"received", and "failed". The .done property is still supported.
75.All alias and remote files in the Editor can now be unloaded, and
a default empty file will be created.
76.Changed buttons in all dialogs to standard size. Many dialogs were
re-designed to accomodate this.
77.Browse folder button in dcc get dialog now shows a folder icon.
78.Play button in sounds dialog now shows a play icon.
79.Changed the way the add/delete buttons work in the Address book
dialog, and made changes to the info section.
80.Simplified connect dialog, and added a separate servers dialog.
81.Added a new section to servers.ini, with the following format:


A newly installed mIRC, which is missing the "host" entry in the
[mirc] section in mirc.ini, will select an initial random server
from this list.

82.Added $file().attr, returns file attributes.
83.Fixed $regsub() gpf bug with long strings.
84.Can now use /* and */ to comment out multiple lines in an alias,
popup, or script. Each must be used alone on a single line.
85.Fixed script custom @menu gpf bug.
86.Fixed tabbed dialogs display bug.
87.Fixed line marker being saved to log/buffer as empty line.
88.The /dns command now indicates if a request is being queued.
89.Fixed /echo -iN display bug causing indented part of a wrapped
line to display control codes.
90.In the DCC Resume and Accept ctcp messages, mIRC now uses the
original transfer filename instead of "file.ext".
91.A single toolbar button is now used for the editor dialog. The
red light is now on when any of ctcp/event/raw are enabled, and
off when they are all disabled. A right-click on the toolbar
button now displays a most recently used files list.
92.Fixed "on top" setting for main mIRC window not being set on
93.Merge logfiles feature now closes all open logs before attempting
a merge and then reopens the logs after the merge is finished.
94.Fixed memory bug in logfiles merge dialog.
95.Added $input() options: 'r' creates a retrycancel dialog, 'd'
plays the system sound associated with each system icon, 'g' right
aligns buttons.
96.Channels list now displays channel names which begin with a non-
recognized prefix.
97.On a throttled connection attempt, mIRC will now wait 60 seconds.
98.Fixed mIRC not opening a new webbrowser for "latest news", "how to
register" etc. links.
99.Fixed bug in "On Send" setting in catcher dialog.
100.Channel central topic editbox is now limited to TOPICLEN length
specific in server numeric 005.
101.Fixed timed unban in /ban command not working with half-ops.
102.Search option in View Logs dialog now actually searches through
files for matching text, as well as matching on the filename.
103.Added /ban -k switch, performs a ban/kick. You can specify a kick
message as the last parameter.
104.Incoming part messages are no longer truncated to 65 characters.
105.Added Alt+D shortcut to open Aliases section in script editor,
due to conflicting Alt+A in Favorites menu. The Favorites menu
can however be turned off, in which case Alt+A will revert to
opening Aliases.
106.Added "navigation clicks" to sounds dialog, makes a sound when
you click on a url or hotlink such as a channel/user name.
107.Changed the way colors are referenced for events text in windows
so that colors are now an index to the color type eg. "Normal
text", as opposed to the 16 color palette.
108.The log view dialog now allows you to merge/delete files that are
in use. It closes log files if necessary before using them, and
then re-opens them afterwards.
109.Empty lines are now stripped out of popup menu definitions in
editor dialog.
110.Many interface changes and improvements.
111.Added color scheme option to colors dialog to allow you to switch
between different color schemes easily.
112.Fixed /server -n -i bug not setting nicknames in new server
113.Fixed irc:// links not using default port value.
114.Fixed main menu flickering when switching windows.
115.Fixed /amsg and /ame bug when a long message is specified.
116.Fixed $submenu() bug, was over-evaluating parameters.
117.Fixed /rename bug.
118.Notify list now displays network name and server address.
119.Fixed $bfind() bug.
120.Fixed $base() floating point handling bug.
121.When repeatedly calling /notify to add multiple nicknames to the
notify list, mIRC now pauses for one second before updating the
server to prevent flooding.
122.The $() identifier used in the matchtext section of a remote
event definition can now use $1- to reference the incoming line.
123.The matchtext section of a remote event definition can now
contain a regular expression. You must specify the $ event prefix
to use this feature.

on $*:TEXT:m/regular expression/switches:#:/echo message: $1-

The 'm' and switches are optional. The // are required. If
switches are used they must be standard PCRE switches, otherwise
the match will fail. You can use switch 'S' to strip control
codes from $1-.

124.On systems that support it, mIRC uses the new format for the
browse for folder dialog, eg. $sdir() etc.
125.Added toolbar disconnect confirm option: requires two clicks
to disconnect from a server, to prevent accidental disconnects.
126.Fixed $mp3() not returning correct .length for large mp3s.
127.The on CONNECTFAIL event now sets $1- to the error message.
128.Fixed $isdde() bug.
129.Added /color -s "scheme name" to allow changing of color schemes,
and /color -l to reload color settings from mirc.ini.
130.Individual incoming lines (numeric 322 during a channel listing)
can now be /halted in a script.
131.Fixed popup menu resources bug. Submenus which were merged due to
duplicate names were not being freed afterwards.
132.Control+Enter with a /! prefixed command now triggers on INPUT.
133.Changing the flash settings in IRC options now applies them to
all open windows (whose flash settings weren't manually enabled).
134.Fixed finger server bug.
135.Added $line().state property, returns selection state for a line
in a @window listbox.
136.Control+Break no longer halts a script if it is pressed while
mIRC is not the active application.
137.Fixed long script filenames not being displayed correctly in
Editor dialog.
138.Added $didreg() identifier, same as $didwm() but uses regex.
139.Extended $fline(), where the T parameter can be 1 to use a
listbox, 2 to use regex, or 3 for both.
140.Closing a debug @window now turns off debugging for that server.
141.Added "paste confirm" option to confirm dialog, displays warning
you when you try to paste more than N lines of text to a window.
142.Added Key combination Alt+X to toggle maximized state of a
143.Binary variables no longer have an upper limit on the number of
bytes that can be stored.
144.Added $compress(file|&bvar, blN) and $decompress(file|&bvar, blN)
that compress/decompress files/binary variables. The result is
raw compressed data. Where -b indicates a binary variable in the
first parameter, and -lN sets a compression level of 1 to 6 (the
default is 6).
145.Added /write -n switch, prevents /write from appending the line
with a $crlf.
146.Using /hdec on a non-existent hash table item now sets it to a
default value of -1.
147.Added /debug -i <...> [identifier] which calls the specified
identifier before a debug line is logged. The return value of
the identifier is used as the debug line.
148.The "enable" sounds option in the sounds dialog now affects most
sounds, including highlight, notify, window/icon flashing, etc.
Sound requests and Agents still need to be enabled/disabled
individually. This does not affect the use of sound-related
commands in scripts.
149.Pressing Control-C while marking text in a window now copies the
text and cancels the mark process.
150.Added /server -pfoc switches, which prevent: perform, popup
favorites folder, autojoin channels, and on connect event, on
connecting to a server.
151.Time and date identifiers eg. $ctime() now return $null if an
invalid time/date is specified.
152.Status window switchbar button now displays highlight state of
associated windows hidden with Alt+F1.
153.Disconnecting via the file menu/toolbar/disconnect command now
results in a soft disconnect, allowing any pending server info
to be displayed. Incoming data will not trigger scripts, etc.
during this time.
154.Added "show nicks on join" option to IRC options dialog.
155.Added "Alt+Z closes active window" option to keys dialog.
156.The $ticks identifier should now take account of the 49.7 day
windows tick counter wrapping around to zero.
157.When connecting to a server, named addresses are now resolved
before checking for a match in the firewall exclude list.
158.Fixed "session time" not being written to log files at midnight.
159.Fixed $modefirst and $modelast not working in on op/deop/etc.
160.Status window titlebar now displays connect info when you are not
connected to a server.
161.$calc($null) now returns zero instead of $null.
162.Fixed $dns(0).ip not returning ip address for a failed ip address
163.Fixed $rand() number distribution bug.
164.Fixed mark/copy display bug.
165.Fixed /did not showing/hiding tabs and their contents properly.
166.Added $comcall(name, alias,...) and $dllcall(filename, alias,...)
identifiers, same format as $com() and $dll(), except these
return immediately and allow the script to continue running. When
the COM/DLL returns, the specified alias is called.


The full versions.txt has become too large to include in the
distribution, so only the version information for the last
version is being included from now on. You can still download
the full versions.txt file from the mIRC website.


28/02/95 - mIRC v2.1a

First public release.

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 1177
Registriert: 23.10.2003, 19:12

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: Arnold » 22.07.2004, 07:56

boaaaaaaaa:-o so viel lesen, schafe ich nicht:-)

was soll den das sein8-|
[align=center]es ist nicht leicht ein Mensch zu sein[/align]

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 3026
Registriert: 07.05.2004, 00:22

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: DarkmanX88 » 22.07.2004, 11:41

spamm test
sagt doch alles

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 1177
Registriert: 23.10.2003, 19:12

UNREAD_POSTAuthor: Arnold » 22.07.2004, 14:49

deswegen wird gespammt:-)
[align=center]es ist nicht leicht ein Mensch zu sein[/align]

Status: Offline
Beiträge: 3026
Registriert: 07.05.2004, 00:22


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